International Taxation; Free Trade Agreements and Customs

Accounting and domestic Mexican tax services

Juridical Services

Automotive and Auto Parts Industry Division

Business Quality Systems for Educational Centers

International Taxation, Free Trade Agreements and Customs.

a.- International Taxation.

I.- We design taxation plans for governments in Central and South America.

II.- We train the Tax Administration Service staff in Mexico in foreign trade matters. This service was awarded to us through a public bid, where we achieved the highest score to institutionally instruct these Mexican government officials.

III.- We implement the certificate of origin schemata for a European company’s representation in Mexico, having thus traveled to Sweden, Germany, Finland and other European countries.

IV.- We make recommendations to transnational companies regarding ways of making business in Mexico, by optimizing their taxation methods both in their country of residence and in Mexico.

V.- We directed a specialized book regarding electronic commerce taxation and distance jobs, and criticized the definition of “Permanent Establishment for Income Tax” as a legal entity, which in our opinion has become out of date.

VI.- We have given lectures at government level on the topics of Transfer Prices and International Customs Appraisal, having received an acknowledgment by the Head of the Mexican Tax Administration Service due to this contribution.

b.- Free Trade Agreements.

I.- We prepared the certification of origin manuals for the Andean government under the framework of their International Trade Agreements. This project was awarded by an international bid, where we achieved the best score.

II.- We have trained Mexico’s Tax Administration Service staff in topics of origin and have presented the results of our research on the differences existing in the North America’s Free Trade Agreement and that of the European Economic Community.

III.- We produced knowledge for the negotiators of the Central American countries and the Dominican Republic in their process for entering a Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

IV.- We produced knowledge for the negotiators of the Central American countries and the Dominican Republic in their process for entering a Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

V.- We not only specialize on Free Trade Agreements executed by Mexico, but are also knowledgeable of and have taught in the University about the Agreements that the Andean countries have made with China, Singapore, Canada, the European Economic Community, the Andean Community, the reinforced Generalized Preference System and ALADI, which have quite varied and more complex rules than the ones negotiated by the Mexican government in its different Trade Agreements.

VI.- We have contested for two different national research awards in Mexico, regarding the importance of applying accounting principles on determining the origin of merchandise under Free Trade Agreements.

c.- Customs.

I.- We have discussed and assigned, jointly with the Government of the United States of America, the tariff classification of merchandise exported to Mexico from such country.

II.- We achieved to harmoniously classify, together with the European custom brokers (specifically with Hamburg and Germany) numberless types of merchandise exported to Mexico upon which certain controversy existed among logistic operators, regarding the most appropriate customs nomenclature.

III.- We were chosen, through a public bid in Mexico and in collaboration with another accounting firm, to audit the Second Customs Acknowledgment in charge of customs inspectors. This function is in charge of the General Customs Administration under the Mexican SAT.

IV.- We have applied NAFTA’s article 303 for numberless Mexican companies, have recovered taxes paid by exporters and have broad experience in tax planning, considering customs issues since 1994.

V.- It is common for our professional staff to perform audits in customs matters, reactivate importer census and to get confirmation of criteria in interpreting customs rules.

VI.- We have published numberless research articles regarding the Certified Company, Duty Deferral Programs, such as the IMMEX Decree (Manufacturing, Maquila and Export Service Industries, Spanish acronym) – Mexican concepts – and the free trade zones in Panama and Peru.

Accounting and domestic Mexican tax services.

a.- Regularization of taxpayers’ taxation status (both individuals and corporations).

b.- Help and support our clients in answering official requirements made by the Mexican Tax Administration Service.

c.- Mexican Federal taxes:

I.- Calculation and determination of federal taxes (Income Tax, Corporate Flat Rate Tax, Value Added Tax).

II.- Filing of monthly tax declarations (proceeds, retentions, salaries and wages).

III.- Filing of informative tax declarations (IETU list, Informative Declaration with Third Party Operations [DIOT, Spanish acronym]).

IV.- Filing of annual tax declarations.

V.- Return, compensation or accreditation of taxes paid in excess (VAT, Income Tax, IETU).

d.- Local taxes ordered by the States of the Mexican Republic.

I.- Payroll taxes.

II.- Intermediate system for individual taxpayers in Income tax matters.

III.- Small Taxpayer System (REPECOS, Spanish acronym).

e.- Determination of employer-worker fees regarding the Social Security Law.

f.- Courses and lectures.

I.- Relative to tax updates for specialists.

II.- Induction, for developing taxing consultants(students, non-accountants, lawyers and other professionals intending to get acquainted with the Mexican Customs and Taxing System).

Juridical Services.

a.- Preventive legal counseling in tax-related and customs matters (advanced ruling, legal stay of merchandise in Mexico, preparation of contracts, integral evaluation of organizations).

b.- Litigious proceedings.

I.- Filing an Appeal for Reconsideration pursuant to the Federation Tax Code.

II.- Appeal for Annulment under the Law on Administrative Court Actions with the Tax and Administrative Court of Justice.

III.- Constitutional Remedy, known as the Amparo suit.

IV.- Release of attachments within the Administrative Execution Procedure (PAE, Spanish acronym) and the Customs Administrative Procedure (PAMA, Spanish acronym).

c.- Others related with:

I.- Records of Facts or Omissions in tax and customs matters.

II.- Records of Filing of Administrative Proceedings in Customs Matters (PAMA, Spanish acronym).

III.- Records of Inspection in Transportation.

IV.- Records of Customs checklist.

V.- Audit Report of Official Advisors Visit, and

VI.- Mercantile proceedings to apply for tax deductions due to irrecoverable credits.

Specialized services for the Automotive and Autoparts Industry.

a.- Automotive Industry Bonded Warehouse (Article 121 section IV of the Mexican Customs Law).

I.- For assembling and manufacturing light vehicles, in accordance with the Decree in Support of Competitiveness of the Finishing Automotive Industry and the Promotion of Domestic Automotive Market Development.

II.- For assembling and manufacturing vehicles with gross vehicle weight of over 8.8 tons, among which body-built and integral buses, tractor-trailers and freight transportation vehicles are included.

III.- Proceedings related with warehouse extensions, renewal duty payments, supply registration fees, initial licenses and feasibility analysis, among others

b.- Fulfilling provisions regarding the Vehicle ID Number (NIV, Spanish acronym).

I.- Counseling on the determination and engraving under the applicable NOM-001.

II.- Amendments and adjustments pursuant to legal provisions, when applicable.

III.- Representation with the Department of Economy, the Department of Finance and with the Public Safety Department.

c.- Foreign Trade Programs.

I.- Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry (IMMEX, Spanish acronym), related to its management, control, procurement, extensions, amendments and annual reports.

II.- Proof of Certified Company.

III.- Registration of Clearance of Merchandise at the point of Origin, pursuant to article 100 of the Mexican Customs Law.

IV.- Record of Proof of Highly Exporting Company (ALTEX, Spanish acronym).

d.- Warehouse Proxy (extractor) and Customs Private Agent.

I.- Feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis and operational implications.

II.- Implementation, technical preparation and support during the initial stage.

III.- Biddings for: customs agents, logistic companies and others related with the transportation and custody of merchandise.

e.- Others regarding foreign trade.

I.- Customs quotas according to the Automotive Decree and Free Trade Agreements.

II.- Eighth Rule related to the Sector Promotion Program.

III.- Chapter 98, application of tariff section for “assembling material”.

f.- Obligations according to Free Trade Agreements.

I.- Determination of the rules of origin: Net cost, Transaction Values and Changes in Tariff Position (as applicable for original equipment or spare parts) according to the Agreement being analyzed.

II.- Payment of Customs Taxes as a result of the application of article 303 of the North America Free Trade Agreement and similar ones for additional Agreements having the same restriction.

III.- Certificate of Origin by authorities, self-certification and registration as authorized exporter.

Quality management systems in Educational Centers.

The personnel in charge of this Division have proven experience since 1997, designing and implementing quality systems for private schools in the northwestern part of Mexico. Since 2010, this has become part of our professional practice, with projects in the Federal District and the Metropolitan area. The services offered are:

a.- Explaining, guiding and implementing, jointly with private sector schools, the self-evaluation model for continuous improvement.

b.- Presenting the sequenced actions in detail, with logic and chronologic criteria to appropriately carry out a self-evaluation process.

c.- Application of at least four stages of the quality management process, the sensitization stage, the self-evaluation team formation, the self-evaluation development and the improvement plan evaluation.

Torre Siglum Av. Insurgentes Sur 1898, 12th Floor, Col. Florida. México, México City, C.P. 01020
52 (55) 9171-1129 and 9171-1099