Specialized services for the Automotive and Autoparts Industry.
a.- Automotive Industry Bonded Warehouse (Article 121 section IV of the Mexican Customs Law).
I.- For assembling and manufacturing light vehicles, in accordance with the Decree in Support of Competitiveness of the Finishing Automotive Industry and the Promotion of Domestic Automotive Market Development.
II.- For assembling and manufacturing vehicles with gross vehicle weight of over 8.8 tons, among which body-built and integral buses, tractor-trailers and freight transportation vehicles are included.
III.- Proceedings related with warehouse extensions, renewal duty payments, supply registration fees, initial licenses and feasibility analysis, among others
b.- Fulfilling provisions regarding the Vehicle ID Number (NIV, Spanish acronym).
I.- Counseling on the determination and engraving under the applicable NOM-001.
II.- Amendments and adjustments pursuant to legal provisions, when applicable.
III.- Representation with the Department of Economy, the Department of Finance and with the Public Safety Department.
c.- Foreign Trade Programs.
I.- Manufacturing, Maquiladora and Export Services Industry (IMMEX, Spanish acronym), related to its management, control, procurement, extensions, amendments and annual reports.
II.- Proof of Certified Company.
III.- Registration of Clearance of Merchandise at the point of Origin, pursuant to article 100 of the Mexican Customs Law.
IV.- Record of Proof of Highly Exporting Company (ALTEX, Spanish acronym).
d.- Warehouse Proxy (extractor) and Customs Private Agent.
I.- Feasibility studies, cost-benefit analysis and operational implications.
II.- Implementation, technical preparation and support during the initial stage.
III.- Biddings for: customs agents, logistic companies and others related with the transportation and custody of merchandise.
e.- Others regarding foreign trade.
I.- Customs quotas according to the Automotive Decree and Free Trade Agreements.
II.- Eighth Rule related to the Sector Promotion Program.
III.- Chapter 98, application of tariff section for “assembling material”.
f.- Obligations according to Free Trade Agreements.
I.- Determination of the rules of origin: Net cost, Transaction Values and Changes in Tariff Position (as applicable for original equipment or spare parts) according to the Agreement being analyzed.
II.- Payment of Customs Taxes as a result of the application of article 303 of the North America Free Trade Agreement and similar ones for additional Agreements having the same restriction.
III.- Certificate of Origin by authorities, self-certification and registration as authorized exporter.